Pigeon Club is a collection of resources for success in conversation design. Created by Nate Bishop for Toodle. Last updated 10-2-23.

Note: Resources instrumental in learning conversation design have been moved to the dedicated Learn page with improved categorization and indexing. This evolution of Pigeon Club will continue with the addition of dedicated pages: Build, and Profit.



📗 Indicates unabridged content. I am always seeking to expand the content in these categories and will continue to cast a wide net in gathering them. These resources are typically specific to conversation design.

📙 Indicates abridged content. I was selective with the inclusion of these resources because curation highlights their elevated value, or they’re more generally helpful but not specific to conversation design.

📕 Indicates limited content. I intended to exclude these resources but made exceptions based on value.

DALL·E 2023-01-19 20.03.41 - A European oil painting portrait of two studious pigeons wearing a top hat and victorian suit with a pastel garden background.png

📗 Job Boards

Voiceflow Conversation Design Jobs

Techire AI Jobs

Conversation Design Institute Job Board

Jobs for Voice

Conversation Designer Jobs

