📙 Top 10 voices

Name Website Contributions Company Last checked
Maaike Groenewege https://www.convocat.nl/en/ Maaike from Convocat.nl blog, Convoclub, Convocat Academy Self-employed 8-31-23
Cathy Pearl https://www.cathypearl.com/ Designing Voice User Interfaces, Ask a Conversation Designer blog, Cathy Pearl blog Google 8-31-23
Kane Simms https://vux.world/ VUX World, Conversational AI & NLP newsletter Self-employed 8-31-23
Rebecca Evanhoe https://rebeccaevanhoe.com/ Conversations with Things, Pratt Institute, Women in Voice Self-employed 8-31-23
Jesús Martín https://jesusmartin.eu/ VUI Challenge, Domestika, Jesús Martín blog, chatbottest, The UX of Chatbots blog Amazon 8-31-23
Diana Deibel https://www.dianadeibel.com/ Conversations with Things, Engaged, Grand Studio blog Grand Studio 8-31-23
Elaine Anzaldo https://elaineinthebay.netlify.app/ Voice This! Podcast, elaineinthebay blog, Convofolios Meta 8-31-23
Bret Kinsella Voicebot.ai, Voicebot.ai podcast, Synthedia blog Self-employed 8-31-23
Cobus Greyling https://cobusgreyling.me/ HumanFirst blog, Cobus Greyling blog, Eliza Language Technology Community HumanFirst 8-31-23
Benjamin McCulloch https://benmcculloch.com/ VUX World, Conversation Designer’s links, The Sonic Voices Multicast, Benjamin McCulloch blog Self-employed 8-31-23

📗 Podcasts

Producer Name Topic Last active Last checked
Millani Jayasingkam Voice This! Podcast Conversation design Current 9-19-23
Kane Simms from VUX World VUX World Conversational AI business Current 9-19-23
Bret Kinsella from Voicebot.ai The Voicebot Podcast Conversational AI business Current 9-19-23
Jon Stine from Open Voice Network Future of Voice Podcast Voice design Current 9-19-23
Jam Mayer and Rew Shearer from Conversologie The Conversologist Podcast Conversation design 2-21-23 9-19-23
Ahmed Bouzid from Witlingo The Sonic Voices Multicast Voice design 6-20-22 9-19-23
Ronald Ashri and Maaike Coppens from OpenDialog Open Dialogues Conversation design 5-19-22 9-19-23
Various people from Beyond Virtual Taking Turns Conversation design 5-17-22 9-19-23
Hans van Dam and Jason Gilbert Hans & Botman Conversation design 8-25-21 9-19-23
Patrick Stafford Writers of Silicon Valley UX writing 7-21-21 9-19-23
Carl Robinson Voice Tech Podcast Conversational AI business 6-24-21 9-19-23
Various people from Botsociety The Conversation Design Podcast Conversation design 3-23-21 9-19-23
Vanessa Barlow Content Design Podcast Content design 6-22-20 9-19-23
Keri Roberts, Pete Erickson, and James Poulter from VOICE & AI Summit Inside VOICE Voice design 6-3-20 9-19-23
Chad Oda The Bot Podcast Conversational AI business 7-2-19 9-19-23

📗 Organizations, Communities, and Publications

Name Focus Team members Active members or followers Last active Last checked
Project Voice Media Group Conversational AI business 2 25-50 Current 9-20-23
Chatbot Summit Conversational AI business 17 1,000-2,000 Current 9-20-23
VUX World Conversational AI business 8 200-500 Current 9-20-23
VoiceBrew Voice design 1 25-50 12-8-22 9-20-23
Voicebot.ai Conversational AI business 4 1,000-2,000 Current 9-20-23
Women in Voice Conversation design 32 200-500 Current 9-20-23
Botrepreneurs Conversation design 3 25-50 6-7-23 9-20-23
Chatbot Europe Conversation design 5 1,000-2,000 Current 9-20-23
VOICE & AI Summit Conversational AI business 16 1,000-2,000 Current 9-20-23
Open Voice Network Conversation development 23 100-200 Current 9-20-23
AI Circle Conversation development 4 10-25 Current 9-20-23
Convoclub Conversation design 1 200-500 Current 9-20-23
Conversational Collective Conversation design 8 50-100 6-26-24 9-19-24
Chatbots Life Conversation development 8 0-10 Current 9-20-23
Conversation Designers Internet Club Conversation design 5 50-100 Current 9-20-23
Alexa Community (Official) Voice design N/A 200-500 Current 9-20-23
Chatbot Conference Conversational AI business 1 TBD Current 9-20-23
Chatbots Magazine Conversational AI business 7 0-10 12-12-19 9-20-23
Techire AI Conversation design 2 0-10 5-28-22 9-20-23
Discover.bot Voice design N/A N/A 12-1-22 9-20-23
AI, Chatbot & Voice Meetup Conversational AI business 1 0-10 2-13-21 9-20-23
This Week In Voice Conversational AI business 1 50-100 Current 9-20-23
The Chatbot Magazine Conversational AI business 3 0-10 Current 9-20-23

📙 Guides

Name Level Organization Published Last checked
Conversational AI Glossary Basic Conversational Collective 9-20-23
The CxD Toolkit Basic Elaine Anzaldo 9-28-22 9-20-23
Convofolios Basic Elaine Anzaldo 2021 9-20-23
The Current State Of Conversational AI Basic Cobus Greyling 11-17-22 9-20-23
Voice Principles Basic Clearleft 9-20-23
CxD Learner’s Library Basic Diedra Jones 9-20-23
Conversation Designer’s Links Basic Benjamin McCulloch 2021 9-20-23
A Pattern Library for Conversation Intermediate OpenDialog 2022 9-20-23

📗 Courses

Name Level Organization Length (estimate) Price Last checked
Conversation Designer Certification Basic Conversation Design Institute Self-guided $1,749 9-19-23
Conversational Copywriter Certification Basic Conversation Design Institute Self-guided $1,749 9-19-23
AI Trainer Certification Basic Conversation Design Institute Self-guided $1,749 9-19-23
VUI Challenge Basic Jesús Martín Free 9-19-23
AI Project Management Intermediate Chatbots Studio Self-guided Free 9-19-23
NLU for conversation designers Basic Convocat Academcy Self-guided Free 9-19-23
Living with your inner imposter Basic Convocat Academcy Self-guided Free 9-19-23
Human-Computer Interaction for User Experience Design Basic MIT CSAIL Alliances 6 weeks, 8-10 hours per week $2,500 9-19-23
AI Product Manager Intermediate Udacity 8 weeks $500 9-19-23
INFO-636 Conversational User Experience Design Basic Pratt Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Designing and Building AI Products and Services Basic MIT xPRO 8 weeks, 6 hours per week $2,832 9-19-23
Human-Centered Design: an Introduction Basic University of California San Diego 14 hours Free 9-19-23
CS 6750: Human-Computer Interaction Basic Georgia Institute of Technology 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Interaction Design Fundamentals Basic Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Designing for Conversation: Theories, Models, and Making Intermediate Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Design of AI Products and Services Intermediate Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Human AI Interaction Intermediate Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Ubiquitous Computing Intermediate Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Special Topics: Ubiquitous Personal Smart Agents Advanced Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Prototyping Algorithmic Experiences (PAX) Advanced Carnegie Mellon University Human-Computer Interaction Institute 1 semester Tuition 9-19-23
Design Thinking and Innovation Basic Harvard Business School Online 7 weeks, 6-8 hours per week $1,750 9-19-23
Google UX Design Professional Certificate Basic Google 6 months, 10 hours per week Free? 9-19-23
Building Smart Business Assistants with IBM Watson Basic Mohammed Al M. 2 hours Free? 9-19-23
Contact Center AI: Conversational Design Fundamentals Basic Google Cloud Training 4 hours Free? 9-19-23
Introduction to Conversational Design Basic Voxable 20 hours $300 9-19-23
Conversation Design Upskilling Intermediate Soul Machines 4 hours Free 9-19-23
Daily Conversation Design Challenge Basic Hillary Black, Bobbie Wood, Ryan Farrell, John McClane 2 hours Free? 9-19-23
Dabble Lab Various Dabble Lab Various Free 9-19-23
UX Content Research & Testing Basic UX Content Collective 20-30 hours $800 9-19-23
Digital Assistant Academy Various Digital Assistant Academy Various Free 9-19-23
Conversation Design for Chatbots Basic UX Content Collective Unknown $550 10-2-23

📗 Books

Author Name Topic Toodle rating Goodreads rating Published Last checked
Diana Deibel, Rebecca Evanhoe, Kat Vellos Conversations with Things: UX Design for Chat and Voice Conversation design 4/5 4.7/5 2021 8-30-23
Cathy Pearl Designing Voice User Interfaces: How to Create Engaging and Compelling Experiences Conversation design 4/5 3.84/5 2017 8-30-23
Robb Wilson, Josh Tyson Age of Invisible Machines: A Practical Guide to Creating a Hyperautomated Ecosystem of Intelligent Digital Workers Conversational AI business 4/5 3.58/5 2022 8-30-23
Erika Hall Conversational Design Conversation design 4/5 4.14/5 2018 8-30-23
David Cancel, Dave Gerhardt, Dave Scatchard Conversational Marketing Conversational AI business 3/5 3.73/5 2019 8-30-23
Reid Hoffman Impromptu: Amplifying Our Humanity Through AI Generative AI 1/5 4.06/5 2023 8-30-23
Shyamala Prayaga Emotionally Engaged Digital Assistant: Humanizing Design and Technology Conversation design 4 2022 8-30-23
Preston So Voice Content and Usability Conversation design 4.09/5 2021 8-30-23
Steve Young Hey Cyba: The Inner Workings of a Virtual Personal Assistant Conversation design 3.5/5 2021 8-30-23
Lee Boonstra The Definitive Guide to Conversational AI with Dialogflow and Google Cloud Conversation design 4.33 2021 8-30-23
Cara Diana My Robot Gets Me: How Social Design Can Make New Products More Human Conversation design 3.71 2021 8-30-23
Ann Thymé-Gobbel, Charles Jankowsky Mastering Voice Interfaces: Creating Great Voice Apps for Real Users Conversation design 0 2021 8-30-23
Roberto Pieraccini AI Assistants Conversation design 3.86 2021 8-30-23
Michael McTear Conversational AI: Dialogue Systems, Conversational Agents, and Chatbots Conversation design 3.67 2020 8-30-23
Tabitha Goldstaub How to Talk to Robots: A Girls’ Guide to a Future Dominated by AI Conversation design 3.84 2020 8-30-23
Yolande Strengers, Jenny Kennedy The Smart Wife: Why Siri, Alexa, and Other Smart Home Devices Need a Feminist Reboot Conversation design 3.54 2020 8-30-23
Ahmed Bouzid, Wieye Ma The Elements of Voice First Style Conversation design 4.5 2020 8-30-23
Boris Galitsky Developing Enterprise Chatbots Conversation design 4.67 2019 8-30-23
Robert J. Moore, Raphael Arar Conversational UX Design: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Natural Conversation Framework Conversation design 4.13/5 2019 8-30-23
Susan Westwater, Scot Westwater Voice Strategy: Creating Useful & Usable Voice Experiences Conversation design 4 2019 8-30-23
P.V. Kannan, Josh Bernoff The Age of Intent: Using Artificial Intelligence to Deliver a Superior Customer Experience Conversation design 3.7 2019 8-30-23
Elizabeth Stokoe Talk: The Science of Conversation Conversation design 3.68/5 2018 8-30-23
Rachel Batish Voicebot and Chatbot Design Conversation design 4.33 2018 8-30-23
Robert J. Moore, Margaret H. Syzmanski, Raphael Arar, Guang-Jie Ren Studies in Conversational UX Design Conversation design 4.25/5 2018 8-30-23

📙 General AI Resources