Inspired by Maaike's Library, Collected by Diedra

These materials helped me understand conversation design. Topics are organized starting with the basics, then following steps in the design process


<aside> πŸ’‘ Print books that I own or have borrowed


Conversations with Things

Designing Voice User Interfaces

Designing Bots

Design Beyond Devices


<aside> πŸ’‘ Courses I've taken from Sept 2019 - Now


UX Design Courses & Global UX Community

Get certified online in UX writing courses * UX Content Collective

Chatbot Writing & Design Course * UX Content Collective

The Voice Course

Designing Generative AI for conversations and content by Maaike Groenewege on Maven

Online Libraries

<aside> πŸ’‘ Learn from the pros!


Conversation Designer's links

πŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šMaaike's libraryπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š

Voice Principles | Clearleft

A Pattern Library for Conversation

The Very First Thing

<aside> πŸ’‘ What’s the very first thing you’d tell someone looking to break into conversation design? Watch and learn!


Content Design for the Conversational Interface | Design & Content Conference 2021

UXPA: Basics & Best Practices of Writing for Chatbots - Hillary.Black

Resources β€” Hillary Black

VOICE Talks | VUX World's Kane Simms explains the benefit of designing AI to "listen better"

How to Become a Conversation Designer

<aside> πŸ’‘ Thanks for the advice!


My Journey into Conversation Design

Learn conversation design for free

How do I become a conversation designer?

6 steps to get into Conversational AI and Voice Technology

Basics/Best Practices

<aside> πŸ’‘ Great overviews!


A Conversational Design Primer

Conversation Design for Chatbots: The Ultimate Guide | Landbot

The Guide to Conversation Design | Voiceflow

Best practices in conversation design


<aside> πŸ’‘ Beyond the Big 5


The Four Dimensions of Tone of Voice in UX Writing

Link to Linguistics: Episode 03 - Politeness

Jason F. Gilbert Spills The Tea on His Shift From Creative Director to Conversation Designer & How To Hire One

Every Single Cognitive Bias in One Infographic


<aside> πŸ’‘ Check out Section 3.1 in the paper on ResearchGate- The 12 Heuristics for Conversational UX Analysis


Best Practices for IVR Conversational UX Design


<aside> πŸ’‘ Something for everyone in this toolbox!


A comprehensive list of UX design methods & deliverables (2021)

Discovery/Content Audit

<aside> πŸ’‘ Try this free course, Become a Content Strategist, for an outline on how to do a content audit


Courses - Prose Kiln

Voice First

<aside> πŸ’‘ I started learning CxD with text bots. How is designing for voice different, and what does "Voice 1st" mean?


Ben Sauer Talks Voice UX in Healthcare and Other Use Cases - Voicebot Podcast Ep 139 -

Natural Language/AI

<aside> πŸ’‘ Check out the Bots Brasil video- lots of insightful tips!


50 AI Terms Every Beginner Should Know

A little language love

Episode 5: Making conversations work by Open Dialogues

Set bot confidence thresholds with confidence | Genesys

Linguistics and Conversational AI: the connection explained

Error Correction/Prevention

<aside> πŸ’‘ Watch the Resilient Chatbots video to learn 8 different types of repair strategies and what scenarios they fit


Resilient Chatbots | Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Best 10 Examples And Guidelines For Error Messages

The Art of the Error Message

The Six Common Challenges of Underperforming Intents

Failure IS An Option: How to Help Your Chatbot Fail (Conversation Design Summit 2021 Replay)

Human Handoff

<aside> πŸ’‘ Human ←→ Bot Teamwork


How to Blend Artificial and Human Intelligence with Conversation Design

Portfolio creation tips

<aside> πŸ’‘ Super concise about a very broad subject


What We Look for in Content Design Portfolios and Work Samples

Roles/Job titles

<aside> πŸ’‘ So, what does a Conversation Designer really do?


Job Titles in Conversational AI

Who are conversation designers and what do they do?

Companies hiring conversation designers

Expanding the Definition of Conversation Design | Voiceflow